


Telesaver-Machine Learning And AI
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Benefits for Enterprise Departments

Board & Management

  • Manage for Value - Telesaver platform delivers value even beyond hard cash savings, refunds and recoveries, so that the drumbeat of distressing news - like the fiscal cliff - are converted to cheers of growth and success for your company
  • Ride out a cash crunch, stave off competition & resist the menacing economic gloom. The economy might be scary, but with, smart companies like yours can still dominate - short term & long term
Board & Management

Finance & Accounts

  • A CFO's job isn't just about the balance sheet; gain deeper visibility & clearer picture of your company's 5th largest recurring spend - communications - to achieve the best possible return on investment on your company's telecom and IT services
  • Excel in the often overlooked side of the job; telecom expenditure optimization across all your departments, locations, cost centers, assets and subscriptions - save continuously & significantly.
  • Be more than a finance jedi - A master of numbers; juggle conflicting imperatives; manage working capital (save cash!); invest for the future with your extra profit popping on that sheet
Finance & Accounts

Technology & Solutions

  • Mitigate your risks with a solid cloud based web-app and robust multi-tenant architecture; Telesaver knows that communications infrastructure is your company's strategic asset, it help you securely & optimally manage all aspects of it
  • Pay-as-you-go SaaS offering means that there is no hardware for you to install, no software to download, no contracts to sign - only thing you sign up for is to improve your team's financial and operational efficiency for a low monthly subscription fee
  • would be one of your most wisely - and widely - implemented cost saving decision for your company - seize the opportunity to drive the technological initiative
Technology & Solutions

Sourcing & Procurement

  • Add a new telecom fixed or wireless connection into Telesaver platform, and suddenly it's clear. You precisely know where and how much of that asset or service is exactly needed in your company from this vendor
  • Innovative insights into your past procurements, (like age on network), and actionable reports on your current tariffs, enables you to optimize the strategic sourcing process
  • Optimally fulfill that specific business need and curb that haphazard over-procurement, while being the most responsive to changing dynamics of your company's telecom estate.
Sourcing & Procurement


  • From AMC of an on-premise EPABX to the number of scattered handsets, track your inventory changes easily and resolve that fault quickly across your fixed and wireless telecom environment
  • Process puzzling charges on that invoice with confidence, authority and clarity. Spot the variation in your routine usage pattern be it a spike or a dip!
  • Comprehensive view into the detailed aspects of your telecom environment makes you the telecom jedi - to easily identify and map every expense and make the organization run smooth - financially and operationally


  • Use the most tangible means to approve and validate the charges on vendor invoices, a gift to your finance department to remit the perfect payment - within time, with efficiency, without oversight
  • Bring together your dynamic group of admin managers working across your organization locations to navigate through the charge components of spends & inventories with insight and focus
  • Achieve your KRA/KPI of driving efficiency and productivity in your telecom environment by easily gathering all your scattered spend across your fixed and wireless telecom environment into a shared always up-to-date centrally repository

IT, Systems, Network

  • Use the most tangible means to approve and validate the charges on vendor invoices, a gift to your finance department to remit the perfect payment - within time, with efficiency, without oversight
  • Bring together your dynamic group of admin managers working across your organization locations to navigate through the charge components of spends & inventories with insight and focus
  • Achieve your KRA/KPI of driving efficiency and productivity in your telecom environment by easily gathering all your scattered spend across your fixed and wireless telecom environment into a shared always up-to-date centrally repository
IT, Systems, Network

Human Resource

  • Telesaver has everything you need to manage the assets allocated to your most important assets - your employees. Easily manage allocation - or deallocation - and map items like data cards, tablets, laptops, mobiles, plan rates, reimbursements.
  • Let them bring their own devices - with, a device is always mapped to not just that joining or departing employee, but also to his base location. Easily report to the telecom team any lost, stolen or fun device!
  • Brings you closer to your admin team, and helps you efficiently devise the wireless policy with automation, speed & fun - & execute the policy with glaring focus, effectiveness and thrift.
Human Resource
  • Centralize your telecom & IT assets and services on a single version of truth
  • Efficiently track moves, adds, changes and disconnects across organisation locations
  • Smoothen business continuity & reduce downtime of faults quickly; Baseline inventory items
  • Budget, track and regularly process your monthly invoices accurately; Get alerts for contract expiry or payment due dates
  • Audit and demystify the complicated vendor invoices; Obtain Telecom Refunds & Recoveries
  • Take informed financial & operational decisions based on variety of summary reports or gain detailed visibility into your telecom environment
  • Design and enforce an effective organisational wireless or BYOD policy based on your spend-trend
  • Track, rotate and reuse company-owned mobile devices, laptops, company-paid SIM cards or subsriptions across organization
  • Optimise and centrally negotiate favorable wireless tariff plans with your service provider

Telecom Value Management

Telecom Value Management


Telesaver helps optimize your network by managing all your fixed, mobile, voice and data expenditures and utilization through our industry-leading, cloud-based application. We capture all your billing, inventory, and utilization data in one unified, highly accessible platform that automatically provides the visibility you need across all your network assets and carrier services, analysis of usage and utilization to identify cost savings, and savings that accrue from implementation of each identified opportunity. Telesaver support the complete procure-to-pay lifecycle including inventory, ordering, invoice management, billing, invoice validation, cost allocation, payment and all related workflows, saving you time and money with automation and improved processes. We can track orders, automate billing and inventory, validate contract rates, examine carrier patterns, catch late invoices, highlight unusual activities, and generate automated reports with just a few clicks. Unlike the competition, we offer automated data entry too. You only need to create codes and assignments once; subsequent imports will be automatic. You will no longer be burdened by tedious data entry, even if a vendor remaps its invoices. Our core services include data capture from e-bills. Telesaver can automate almost everything, including assigning general ledger codes and matching invoice entries to cost centers, generating overviews of your total expenses from a single vendor, or storing data from all your mobile invoices in the right format in a single location.

General Features

Expense Management

Optimize costs and gain centralized visibility into all expenses and vendors

  • Invoice Processing
  • Invoice Audit/ Validation
  • Dispute Resolution
  • Optimization
  • Contract Management
  • Split Billing
  • Managed Payment

Inventory & Asset Management

Streamlined & centralized management that enforces corporate compliance.

  • Procurement / Ordering
  • Fulfilment
  • Track New, movement & disconnection of Telecom services

Usage Management

Identify overspending, align budgets to actual usage, and leverage insight for future negotiations.

  • Usage Tracking
  • Usage Optimization
  • Identify zero use devices
  • Reporting right upto Branch & dept level

Financial Management

Optimized, informed decision making by exposing cost and performance risks early.

  • Budgeting
  • Forecasting
  • SLA Performance / Measurement

Application Specific Features

Organisational Dashboard to track Telecom Expenses, Inventory, Payments & More

Optimise the manpower resources of your Telecom, Admin, IT Team thereby savings for the Company Take informed decisions, based on actual data of your company’s communications spend.


Birds eye view of Spend Trend history and Global inventory map, puts you at the forefront of not just controlling your recurring communication costs, but also empowering your team to cut it.

Alerts & Notifications

Get alerted on payment due date, contract expiry and other telecom functions while you track that new order you placed with your vendor, the status of the shifting or even if its just a small change in your telecom estate.

Email Connect

Directly send emails to vendors from the app, thereby saving valuable time

Actionable, Insightful Telecom Reports

Telecom LifeCycle Management

Enter Budget for locations, dept wise and compare with spend-trend

Global Wisdom

Telesaver’s reports are developed keeping in mind the international standards, showing Spend Trend, location wise, vendor wise, cost-code and department wise spend for all your telecom assets and inventories.

Exportable Graphs, Charts

Not only are the reports pictorial, tabular and give you one-level drill down, but they all are exportable to MS Excel format for further custom deep down analysis. Richly presentable to senior management for budgeting, these reports state that there has been an informed decision-making process and that the procurement, telecom, network, admin and finance team are working as a single coherent team.

Global Telecom Inventory - Centralized

Derive Value from your telecom services, wireless assets Efficiently build and organize an entire telecom environment on a high level, detail a breakdown of all aspects within it assets and subscriptions, across your locations--centrally from anywhere.

Centralized Command Center

Inventory Centralization provides great high level and detailed level visibility of the telecom inventory across locations/departments/users/vendors and other parameters important to your organization. Be it a mobile handset you have allocated to a departing employee, an expiring subscription or a dormant redundant line, every inventory is tracked for you.

Single Version of Truth, Dump the spreadsheet

No longer wasting administration team's productive hours emailing around disparate spreadsheets containing list of unverified phone numbers, stale account numbers, old dates, etc. A central inventory repository ensures that the information is always accurate & up-to-date--even if the telecom managers change--across departments, locations or functions.

Vendors, Contracts & Devices

Managing your telecom service providers, their relationship managers at various locations, keeping track your telecom service contracts & its associated tariff plans, pricing terms, conditions will be as easy and trouble-free as you always wanted them to be.

Wireless Mobility Management

Wireless Mobility Management

Wireless Mobility Management feature allows you to assign devices to employees, be it cell phone, data card, laptop or just a plain direct DID extension. For the HR department, its a boon, because not just the employees can be cross referenced with departments, locations and codes, rotation of SIM cards, and other devices is very easy to manage.

Rationalize, Consolidate, Shrink

Identification of inventory alone has shown to effectively control and shrink the spend for fixed and mobile telecom assets and services by up to 47%. Plus you can now Negotiate stronger favourable contract terms and conditions with your vendor while procuring that new bunch of connections, as the market floor rate plans and your past tariffs are available in a snap.

Order Confidently, Track Assuredly

Shift, Add, Change your Telecom lines systematically

Shuffle & Juggle Connections like a pro

Telecom connections are bound to be added, removed, changed or moved around as per the dynamically changing needs of your organization. Telesaver helps you to not just place the respective telecom change orders with your telecom service provider at any given location and track it, but also track the closure of each removal, change or disconnection.

Catch, Track, Close - all from the app

A central place to track, escalate and chase to closure various telecom activities. Dash off an email to that vendor account manager from the app itself, or have your teammate escalate the issue immediately with the readily available case details. And with comments and notes stuck to each case by your teammates, it's not just social its focal too.

Reduce Downtime

Raise faults on that slow performing internet line, or escalate closure on the disconnected mobile, all from within the app. Tracking reference number allows you to delegate the follow up to your team members, to assure you of the peace of mind. Downtime is reduced to its lowest, faults are closed faster, and your office is set up to perform at the best, at all times.

Track Assuredly

Pay Timely, Negotiate Favourably

Negotiate Favourably

Telesaver reminds you of your upcoming due dates on all your invoices --well in advance-- so that you not only pay the vendor invoices timely and avoid late payment, but also ensure continued operation of the telecom infrastructure, which is so critical to your business. Now this is what the senior management sometimes call 'Operational Excellence'

Sourcing, Procurement & Contract Management

The alert and notification is not just limited to the invoices, it also extends to the contracts you have entered into with your telecom service provider. The history feature allows you to quickly glance the past updation on the contract, and gain a firmer standing while negotiating the renewals. Contract renewals can be optimal, savings can be maximised, and procurement is done the right way.

Timely Alerts for Accurate Payments

No worry of missing due dates for paying vendor invoices. Coupled with invoice processing feature, get timely reminders on your emails to avoid disconnection of mobiles and phone lines.

Process invoices - From Procurement to Payment

Validate, Verify, Approve your Spend


If centralized Inventory Management is the heart of the app, centralized Invoice Processing can easily be called the mind of the app. Process all your telecom accounts, subscriptions, maintenance contracts, and their corresponding regular invoices/bills by a workflow - from entry, to review to remittance.


No more blind approving of the charges in that complex bills, Telesaver helps you to file each charge in its own category, be it monthly recurring charge or a fixed one-time discount. For most all telecom inventory types [more added every month], has the proper process to verify the charges against the contractual elements and then approve or reject the charges.


Fill up a simple spreadsheet and automatically import the list of invoices into the app. It builds the invoices, maps to the inventory quickly. This saves time, saves effort and promotes centralization. It doesn’t stop there. Do we call this as Operational Efficiency? Read on to see how Telesaver delivers real Financial Efficiency.

Procurement to Payment

Audit & Dispute Management

Audit & Dispute Management

Telecom Refunds & Recoveries What happens after you detect the discrepancy in the telecom invoice? Telesaver allows you to flag it to your vendor right from within the app. Dash of the email to the service provider dispute resolution team, along with the contract, invoice and any other attachments, and track it to closure. Have your team track, comment and follow up for the credits and adjustments due.

Reconcile & Batch Payment

Reconcile your spend, generate a batch payment, audit your spend, log your check, online or cash payments, and have an up-to-date view of your recoveries - partial or full. Pay accurately, recover quickly.

Telecom Refunds & Recoveries

Savings, when contributed to by Refunds & Recoveries, is what we call Financial Efficiency. And when this is combined with Operational Efficiency, the smart organization is on its way to Excellence.

Customize your Application and Business Settings

Works with your organization, for your team Telesaver allows you to set up the app the way you work, the way your team functions and aligns itself to manners of your the organization.

Collaborate Securely

Invite app users, administrators, reviewers and securely assign them fine-grained access privileges to ensure the data is not only safe and secure but also your team members are social and productive when they put comments, process invoices or optimize expenses.

Make to Order

Configure the time, date, currency formats per your needs. White-label the application by uploading your company logo, and change the appearance color for a more personalized touch.

Customize your Application and Business Settings

Safe, Secure, Protected

Safe, Secure, Protected

Your Data is Yours is loaded with security features and works on the worlds advanced cloud architecture and robust infrastructure. Moreover, an array of controls implemented within our app further ensures confidentiality, integrity, and availability of customer data.

Private, Compliant and Trusted

The cloud on which our app run, comply with key industry standards, such as ISO/IEC 27001:2005, for security and reliability. They are managed, monitored, and administered by operations staff that have years of experience in delivering the world’s largest online services with 24 x 7 continuity.

Because we know, companies choose to do business with companies they trust.

No Reason to Ignore Savings - Both ways

SaaS Subscription & Cloud Benefits

  • High Adoption
  • IT budget costs consistent or lower than packaged, homegrown software
  • Painless Upgrades ensures you use every new feature automatically
  • Lower Initial Costs
  • Scale fast per your organization’s changing needs - top up extra users or storage size

Telecom Management on the Cloud

A new way to manage your telecom estate--on your finger tips

Anywhere Connectivity

Just log on to Telesaver and you’ll have instant access to all the elements of your entire telecom environment you need, whether you're on your laptop at a factory, retail store, branch office, head quarters, or on your PC in the boardroom with the Directors. Share the reports, trends or pending items you want using the export feature, or give a view access to other new members. Save telecom invoice data on one machine, and remit to finance department from another machine.


And that's just for starters. Our multi-tenant true-SaaS architecture harnesses the potential of the cloud to provide robustness, scalability and security.

Telecom Management on the Cloud

IT & Telecom Value Drivers

By making commitments to deliver some of these six benefits, an IT, admin, network or telecom department can notably increase the impact of its contribution.

IT & Telecom Value Drivers

Cost Effectiveness

  • Maintain IT costs below those of competitors and below industry benchmarks.
  • Consistently improve cost metrics.
  • Prioritize investments to optimize strategic relevance and differentiated capabilities; reduce investment in other activities.


  • Reliably meet or exceed established levels of business service.
  • Ensure compliance with regulatory, security, privacy, and risk policies


  • Maintain effective service delivery with a high level of transparency and engagement with internal clients.
  • Anticipate and prepare for changes in internal demand, through intimacy with
  • Continually broaden and deepen knowledge of business needs and priorities.


  • Establish and manage effective partnerships and contractual arrangements with technology and service providers.
  • Leverage these partnerships to extend capabilities and support the delivery of business needs.


  • Maintain the ability to change services rapidly—scaling them up or down, executing new initiatives, integrating new acquisitions, etc.


  • Develop new business products and services that relate to the organization’s purpose.
  • Be an early adopter of innovative technologies that support business agendas.