


Consumer Goods-Machine Learning And AI
Consumer Goods Analytics

Consumer Goods and Retail

Predictive and event driven projections coupled with a dimension-free data mining environment improves marketing, decreases customer service costs, builds customer loyalty and enables better collaboration with distribution partners.

Category Performance and Forecasting

As you know, the ability to identify, understand, and target high-value customers within each product category is one of the most important factors for driving brand success, and is the foundation of all sales and marketing analysis. Using Trium info’s self-service discovery environment, you can quickly find unique and often missed patterns in market and segmentation data. Integration with existing statistical packages such as SAS, S-PLUS and R, enables less technical users to leverage traditional statistical clustering methods to ask and answer questions on demand. Brand Managers can freely explore and combine multiple data sources – from third-party compiled data to in-house sales data – and append and test these new data sources on the fly. Results are examined and clearly depicted, allowing hypotheses to be tested and shared more rapidly based on any dimension, measure or attribute. Segmentation data can also be dynamically adjusted at any geographic level, national or DMA, and immediately overlaid on interactive maps. And market data sources, such as ACNielsen and IRI, are much more easily manipulated and can be combined with internal data sources.

Campaign Management and Promotional Analysis

Marketing was transformed long ago from an art based on intuition and gut feelings into a data-driven science. Many tools have been developed to enable this transformation, starting with databases, proceeding to reporting and statistical tools, and continuing into campaign management and customer relationship management (CRM) applications. This revolution has accelerated the pace of marketing, but hasn’t provided an optimal platform from which to get the analytic insight that’s been driving transformation for the last twenty years.

With Trium info analytics, you can create one-time use segments for context specific actions for each campaign and see how campaign factors interact to create response. Then you can mashed up internal and external data sources on the fly to make the best decisions. Trium info also helps you understand how market segments, territories, and channels are affected by promotions so you can continually improve your promotional strategies. You can also efficiently find optimal marketing and promotional mixes by visualizing the impact of marketing programs on sales outcomes. Plus, with Trium info, you can gain the flexibility to conduct fast test-marketing programs without the need of IT prepping data and configuring new reports.

Product Management

From early-stage consumer research and product attribute testing, through manufacturability assessment and development cost management, Trium info helps you take advantage of and truly understand all of the data available to you. As a result, the highest quality decisions can be made to ensure the best possible chances for blockbuster consumer products. With Trium info, Product Marketers and Brand Managers gain immediate visibility into consumer trends that might signal new product opportunities, an easier way to assess survey and product testing results, and a quicker way to relate product features to assessment ranking and manufacturability. You can also use this powerful and flexible solution to leverage external market data sources, consumer surveys, and internal manufacturing systems-generated data to ultimately develop better overall consumer products.

Executive Insight

Big data holds big opportunities. We help you reveal them.

Trium info helps the world’s leading organizations transform their businesses by quickly delivering actionable insights. With Trium info, you can:

  • Boost awareness for your top brands in specific markets
  • Maximize performance and revenue across all your products
  • Reduce costs and risks by streamlining your operations
  • Increase agility by introducing new products to market more quickly
  • Foster innovation to consistently stay ahead of your competition

Always agile and powered by data-driven decisions, the best organizations anticipate opportunities and risks more effectively than their competitors. The secret to many of their successes is Trium info. Get Trium info and turn your big data into your biggest asset.