


Energy-Machine Learning And AI



There are literally hundreds of analytic use cases and hundreds of thousands of Trium info users within the global energy industry who are constantly finding new methods of exploring and exploiting their data to deliver value to their organizations. From analysing where to drill to estimating ultimate production, helping trading companies meet new opportunities and stay within regulation, or analysing the true margins of products shipped across the globe, helping energy utilities analyse customer demand forecasts only Trium info data analytics tools provide the depth of functionality, combined with speed and ease of use demanded by today's energy industry.


Well Engineering

To plan and execute better than the competition and manage the efficiency and profitability of assets, firms are looking for analytic tools to help make sense of various data types coming from multiple source systems. Additionally, to reduce Non Productive Time and mitigate costs, drillers need systems that will help them analyze failures, learn from previous issues, and predict future events.

Trium info helps well engineers the world over analyze data faster. Trium info's intuitive, interactive, analytic platform enables users to make better decisions across diverse and challenging environments. Because Trium info uniquely allows you to capture all the data, structured and unstructured, at rest and in motion, it allows the deepest possible investigation of issues behind NPT and reliability.

Well Engineering
Production Optimization

Production Optimization

New technologies in the oil field have made unconventional sources of oil and gas to produce, thus providing energy firms with significant new opportunities. To respond to this technically challenging and fast-moving environment, companies are augmenting traditional analytic methodologies with data discovery and visualization. Using all their available data, Trium info helps them make better, faster decisions on production assets.

  • What can we expect from new and existing wells given the application of advanced recovery and lifting techniques?
  • What are the underperforming wells, and what are the most appropriate corrective actions?
  • How can we reduce unplanned downtime?
  • Which wells are economical in today's market conditions?

Oilfield Services

Oil field services companies benefit from using Trium info analytics across their organizations—from technical use cases to cross functional areas such as HR, finance and health safety and the environment. Trium info helps to drive down costs through rigorous analysis at every stage of a delivered service. Oilfield Services companies are the backbone of the oil and gas industry. They must keep pace in an ever changing and competitive environment. They must maintain laser focus on their customers and improve performance and efficiencies while continuing to innovate as their customers work to drive down prices. Oilfield Services companies across the globe use Trium info to:

  • Analyze NPT
  • Optimize drilling and completion methods
  • Perform comparisons of workover methodology
  • Identify correlations in HSE incidents.
  • Better understand the root cause of incidents and optimize maintenance
  • Understand profitability and opportunities across products, by region and customer.
Oilfield Services



Petroleum refining is a capital intensive and complex manufacturing environment faced with a wide range of challenges that must be navigated in order to maintain a company's competitiveness and maximize its profitability.

Trium info Data analytics software helps companies to:

  • Maximize productivity by reducing unplanned downtime of plant and equipment and develop optimal maintenance programs to achieve the right balance of scheduled maintenance, investment and return.
  • Understand, anticipate and respond to changes in the global, regional and local demand of refined products given limitations in crude oil supplies, refinery capacity & complexity and access to markets.
  • Respond to price volatility of both crude oil inputs and refined products by taking advantage of alternatives in crude oil grades, supply location and alternative transportation methods.
  • Increase their understanding of the nuances in profitability between products, customers, contracts and regional influences to improve return through techniques such as Netback analysis. Refiners can understand the elasticity of demand from individual customers.

Energy Trading

Energy trading has altered significantly in the past decade and companies now need to proactively monitor, capture and analyze proprietary and market data to:

  • properly hedge their portfolios,
  • identify and take advantage of market opportunities,
  • identify threats and mitigate risks,
  • Increase their understanding of the nuances in profitability between products, customers, contracts and regional influences to improve return through techniques such as Netback analysis. Refiners can understand the elasticity of demand from individual customers.

All this while ensuring that you operate within regulatory boundaries. Here's how Trium info can help:

  • Pre- Trade and Post - Trade

    Use data from multiple sources to create visually rich, interactive and dynamic scenario analysis backtest and visualize the results of potential trading strategies.

  • Risk

    bring greater clarity to complex risk data to provide better understanding of the risk profile and better management and control of risk. Mashup market fundamentals data (weather, production estimates, sales volumes etc.) to provide a fuller picture of risk and potential price movements.

  • Profit and Loss Attribution

    More easily and thoroughly analyze P&L results to spot trends and outliers in profitability by product, region, trader and other key variables.

  • Transaction Monitoring & Compliance

    Analyze and explore transaction and trade amendments- all the activity of a trading desk - to assure compliance with internal and external requirements. Trium info analytics will highlight unusual trading patterns and behaviors before they affect the P&L, unwanted tax exposure and gain the attention of regulators.

Energy Trading
Health, Safety and Environmental Analysis

Health, Safety and Environmental Analysis

Owing to the hazardous nature of the raw materials and products that are produced, the energy industry - from exploration and production, through transportation, logistics and refining – is susceptible to incidents that have the potential to adversely impact human health and the environment.

Trium info helps you move beyond reporting and classification of incidents to identifying their root causes, predicting future incidents, and taking proactive measures to prevent them.

Only then can you enhance the protection of your workforce, assets, reputation, and the environment.

Maintenance Optimization

There is now a massive expansion of 'connected 'sensor use and this offers new business opportunities in monitoring performance and failure rates, and optimizing maintenance in the oilfield, the distribution network and the refinery.

Trium info offers the only analytic platform that help companies understand their assets through real-time monitoring of sensors and proactive alerting to impending issues, allowing for faster intervention and remedial action.

Maintenance Optimization




Deregulation, smart meters, volatile markets, aging infrastructure, and evolving consumer demands and options are increasing competition and driving new business challenges and opportunities in all areas of the utilities industry. Triuminfo can help you dramatically shift your business models with an increased focus on efficiency of operations, reliability of service, demand forecasting, customer satisfaction, and regulatory compliance.

Trium info offers the only analytic platform that help companies understand their assets through real-time monitoring of sensors and proactive alerting to impending issues, allowing for faster intervention and remedial action.

Trium info does this by letting users interactively query, visualize, aggregate, filter, and drill into datasets of virtually any size. They develop insight faster and bring clarity to business issues or opportunities that can be securely shared across an organization.

  • Trium info allows you to combine outage analysis with load forecasting for a fuller picture of generation requirements and demand management.
  • Manage customer satisfaction and sentiment, propensity to buy and effectiveness of targeted offers